Whole Beauty® Institute

Options for Fall Skin Repair

During the summer months, people in the Chicago area spend as much time as possible outdoors. There is a wonderful sense of relaxation that comes from feeling a gentle breeze on your skin and the warmth of the sun.

Summer is also a time when overall skin health may deteriorate. The very outdoor exposure that we crave may damage the skin in several ways. Also, summer tends to disrupt the routines that we follow during the cooler months, and we often fall away from our skin care regimen.

The Whole Beauty Team is here to rescue your skin

Fortunately, there are a number of that we can help you restore your skin to an optimum condition. In this blog we have put together 10 of our best fall skin rejuvenating treatments that we use at our Chicago and Winnetka offices:

1. Continue top-quality sun protection

Although the sun is a little less intense during the fall and winter months, it is still important to protect your skin with high-quality sunblock. We find that true sunblocks that contain titanium or zinc oxide do the best job and are less likely to provoke an allergic response. In the past, many people avoided these mineral sunblocks because they imparted a pale color to the skin, but advanced formulations have conquered this problem

2. Use medical-grade skin products daily.

The foundation of skin care remains a compatible system of medical-grade products that cleanse, hydrate, repair, moisturize, and protect. We have formulated the Whole Beauty® line of skin care products that accomplishes these actions and does so in a very efficient way.

3. Restore dry summer skin with proper hydration.

Outdoor exposure from summer activity may leave your skin dry and depleted of proper hydration. Our team has a number of ways to rehydrate your skin. Advanced oxygen facials help to restore your skin’s hydration. The Whole Beauty® Hydrating Peptide attracts water molecules into the skin. Our flagship product WBR3 increases skin hydration by an ingenious method that restores the molecular elevator that carries water up toward the surface of the skin.

4. Even out irregular pigment with IPL (intense pulsed light)

Our team makes use of intense pulse light to target and reduce both brown and red spots that may have appeared after outdoor activity. We use filters to select wavelengths of light that are taken up by the brown pigment in dark areas and the red pigment in red blood cells to harmlessly remove zones of red and brown. We offer our patients one of the most advanced medical-grade IPL systems available and a team of clinicians who have a high level of experience in their use.

5. Peel your way to fresher skin

Medical grade chemical peels at the Whole Beauty® Institute go beyond improving the surface texture of the skin, the traditional role of peels. It is now possible to improve pigment problems, restore hydration, and stimulate the production of collagen in the deeper layers. Our team can design a regimen of peels with limited downtime that is customized to your particular skin.

6. Advanced combinations of IPL and fractional lasers can freshen the skin in a powerful way

At the Whole Beauty® Institute, we combine IPL with fractional lasers to restore a fresh glow to the skin. This is one of the best and most efficient ways to improve the tone, texture, and pigment of the skin and it is one of our most popular treatments in the fall.

7. Restore healthy patterns of exercise and nutrition if they have slipped during the summer

Summer is a time for relaxation, and for some people, this can mean a certain falling off from their usual patterns of good nutrition and exercise. If this is true for you, fall is a great time to reset healthy patterns. Remember that your skin will look better when you are eating a healthy diet and enhancing circulation with exercise.

8. Biodynamic Therapy can take your skin rejuvenation to the highest levels

In the last few years, there has been an explosion of research regarding stem cells, which are the ultimate source of rejuvenation. At the Whole Beauty® Institute, we offer several treatment regimens that make use of the body’s own regenerative power. Our team can discuss these treatment options with you.

9. Restore your neck, chest, and hands

Your fall rejuvenation program can go beyond the face. We offer a number of options to restore the neck, chest, and hands.

10. Don’t forget the rest of your body.

The summer sun can damage the skin of the entire body. We have regimens that can restore a fresh appearance to the arms, legs, and other body zones.

We Will Design a Fall Rejuvenation Program that Is Just Right for You

At the Whole Beauty® Institute, we offer our patients an advanced portfolio of rejuvenating therapies. For each of our patients, we perform a detailed analysis of your skin’s appearance. From this, we provide you with a treatment map that will be your path to restoration.

To schedule a Fall Skin Repair consultation at our Chicago and Winnetka offices contact us or call 312-751-2112.