Whole Beauty® Institute

We all have one or two areas of the body we wish were slimmer and more sculpted. For many people, the upper arms are a feature they’re self-conscious about, even if the rest of their body is slim and in good shape. Flabby arms have been nicknamed “batwings” or “bingo wings,” and they’re caused by a combination of loss of skin elasticity along with a buildup of fatty tissue that causes them to look saggy. The skin can lose elasticity in this area due to aging, regardless of how fit you are. Excess skin on the arms may also occur if you’ve lost a significant amount of weight and the skin doesn’t return to its former shape. If you’re tired of hiding your arms in long sleeves even in the summer, cosmetic treatments can help. Different forms of liposuction are often a recommended strategy for reducing excess fat in the arms, especially if you’ve been unable to “melt away” the fat via any other means. Keep in mind, however, that the word “lipo” is sometimes used loosely. Even though BodyTite® is sometimes referred to as “BodyTite® lipo” by some Chicago-area patients and doctors, it’s actually very different from traditional liposuction surgery.

arm before and after

BodyTite® is a minimally invasive procedure that can be used to enhance the contours of the body in several areas by removing some excess, diet-resistant fat and tightening loose skin using radiofrequency energy. One of the major benefits of this procedure is that it can improve the size and shape of your arms. Liposuction by itself will reduce excess arm fat, but it may leave the skin looser. The advantage of BodyTite® with lipo is that the skin is actually tightened along with the fat reduction. There are, however, limits to how much tightening can be achieved.  People with severe looseness of the arm skin still require brachioplasty, with surgical removal of loose skin.

BodyTite® not only emulsifies fat deposits in the arm areas to make them slimmer and more defined, but it also tones, tightens, and rejuvenates the skin. The great thing about BodyTite® is that it can be performed with the patient under local anesthetic, meaning you wouldn’t have to be put to sleep under general anesthesia. The local anesthesia reduces risks and lessens recovery time for patients. Not to mention, you will be less likely to experience nausea or other uncomfortable side effects that are associated with general anesthesia.

Certain patients may qualify for a non-surgical treatment known as Evolve, which uses radiofrequency energy paired with electromagnetic stimulation to build muscle and reduce fat. This can be applied in many areas, including the upper arms, for a slimmer look.

For more information on contouring procedures and treatments, including “BodyTite® lipo,” contact plastic surgeon John Q. Cook at the Whole Beauty® Institute. Have more questions about cosmetic procedures to reduce fat or tighten skin on the upper arms? Call 312-751-2112 (Chicago Gold Coast Office), 847-446-7562 (North Shore (Winnetka) Office), or submit a contact form to schedule a consultation.