Whole Beauty® Institute

Form Stable Implants have a Natural Breast Shape

Form stable breast implants are newly available in the United States and offer certain patients significant advantages over standard round implants  You may have heard of these implants by other names:  anatomical, shaped, and gummy bear are common descriptions.

Until now patients in our country could only choose among saline and silicone gel implants of varying degrees of projection, all with a basic round shape.  This simple design works quite well in certain breast types, particularly in patients who would like to restore volume in the upper portions of the breast.  They can disappoint in other situaltions expecially in breast reconstruction patients and in trim athletic patients who want a very subtle enhancement without significant upper breast fullness.

The implant on the left is a conventional intermediate projection round silicone gel implant.  As you can see, the volume is evenly distributed in the implant; there is no upper or lower portion.  With the form stable implant on the right there is a distinct shape to the implant, with a greater degree of fullness in the lower portion of the implant and less fullness in the top.  This is more like the natural shape of a breast.

If you would like to learn more about the potential advantages of form stable breast implants and whether they might benefit you please contact us at info@www.johnqcookmd.com or contact us at 312-751-2112.  You can also arrange for a consultation at our Chicago and Winnetka offices.