Whole Beauty® Institute

Are there different types of neck lifts? Our Chicago-based team at Whole Beauty® Institute knows that this is a topic patients will want to learn more about when they’re considering procedures to give them a sleeker, more youthful-looking neck and jawline area.

Put simply, there are several neck lift options, and each procedure has its unique advantages, so it’s crucial that patients do their research and ask the right questions before they make any decisions. Of course, any decision will be made with help and guidance from Dr. John Q. Cook, an experienced, highly regarded, and board-certified plastic surgeon.

Neck lifts involve altering the skin, fat, and muscles of the neck with the intent of improving the appearance of the neck, jaw, and lower face. The results from neck lifts will usually be long-lasting. Patients who have a pleasing upper face and are not ready for a full facelift, but who want to correct signs of aging that have begun to develop on the neck—such as excess skin, wrinkling, double chin, a turkey wattle, or jowl lines—may be great candidates for a neck lift.

There are two types of neck lifts available at the Whole Beauty® Institute: an isolated neck lift and a neck and jaw border lift.

Here are the basics you should know about these two forms of cosmetic surgery for the neck. Remember, we will evaluate your anatomy and goals to help you decide which type of neck lift is best for you.

Isolated Neck Lift

An isolated neck lift restores definition to the neck area only, making it ideal for patients who have not experienced significant sagging in the area above the jaw border. The underlying muscle is tightened, and excess skin is removed through incisions that are mostly behind the ears.

Neck and Jaw Border Lift

Neck muscles weaken over time due to aging, and loss of collagen and elastin over time can cause the skin in this area to lose its structure and elasticity. A neck and jaw border lift is the choice for patients who want to restore a tighter, more youthful appearance to the neck—but who also want to restore definition to the jaw border as well. Both of these areas can be addressed at the same time during this procedure. Tissues under the skin are restored to their youthful position and excess, loose skin is removed through incisions that follow the contours of the ear. Enhancing the jawline by improving definition can make you look years younger since a “sharp” lower facial border is associated with youth and vitality.


If a patient has reasonably good skin tone, but reduced tone of the muscle of the neck, MyEllevate® may be a good option. A light-guided system allows the surgeon to weave a supporting hammock of permanent sutures that supports the muscle and helps to define the area underneath the jaw line. Strong vertical bands can also be released. This can be accomplished through tiny openings so that the typical scars around the ears are avoided.

Contact the Whole Beauty® Institute for more information about what to expect from cosmetic surgery for the face or body. Call us at 312-751-2112 (Chicago Gold Coast Office) or 847-446-7562 (North Shore (Winnetka) Office), or submit a contact form if you would like to request a consultation to discuss neck lifts.