Fall into glowing skin. Here we offer some skincare tips as we transition from Summer to Fall. Swap Your Skincare Products As the weather gets dryer and colder it’s important that your skincare products are formulated to protect you from those conditions. Heavier...
In the latest issue of BeautyGoals, read about the next generation of skin rejuvenation treatments and products at the Whole Beauty® Institute. Facial Peels, IPL and BBL, BBL™ HERO, Moxi™, SkinShopMD™ medical grade skincare products.
In the midst of another Chicago winter, you may be wishing for spring and summer. Chicagoans love to take advantage of the warmer seasons, spending as much time as possible outdoors while the weather allows. We know that once winter comes, our options for...
If your skin is in need of rejuvenation, you should seriously consider IPL therapy as an important part of your treatment. In the last few years, we have learned that the benefits of IPL extend beyond its traditional uses to reduce brown spots and tiny red vessels...
Options for Fall Skin Repair During the summer months, people in the Chicago area spend as much time as possible outdoors. There is a wonderful sense of relaxation that comes from feeling a gentle breeze on your skin and the warmth of the sun. Summer is also a time...