Whole Beauty® Institute

The weather is gradually increasing in temperature, which means that summer is almost here! As the sun starts to make a regular appearance in the city of Chicago, many residents will flock to Lake Shore Drive for biking, running and fun on the Lake Michigan beaches.

As you decide which swimsuit to wear, you may wonder whether you’re truly ready to show off your body. After a long winter hiatus, you might have put on a couple of pounds, and your skin may feel dry or dull.

Warmer weather almost always means that thick coats are coming off and flip flops are back in style, and usually, the transition involves showing off more of your body, which may pose some concerns if you’re not quite beach ready.

If you’re curious about how you can shape up your body for summer, you might learn more by consulting with Dr. Cook about your cosmetic options.

Enhancing the Breasts

For some women, having a full bust is an ideal way to fill out a swimsuit and take pride in the contours of their bodies. When carried out in a natural way breast enhancement surgery can restore a beautiful balance between the breasts and the rest of the body.

Breast enhancement will involve several weeks of downtime, so it’s beneficial to undergo surgery weeks before summer is set to arrive. Once you are healed from the surgery, shopping for swimsuits and summer outfits can change from being an unpleasant chore to a fun activity.

Toning Up the Tummy

You may enjoy wearing a bikini on the beach, but feel self-conscious about loose skin or pockets of fat that have accumulated around your abdomen. Even with a diet and exercise routine, you may not be seeing the results you want.

For patients who are trim but who have smaller collections of fat in the middle of the abdomen and in the flanks, SculpSure is the latest generation of non-invasive fat reduction. Two simple twenty five minute treatments can provide a significant change in body contour with no downtime. We can combine SculpSure with other non-invasive skin tightening technologies to provide our patients with a double benefit.

Some patients have a little more excess fat than will respond effectively to SculpSure. These patients often benefit from our extensive experience with laser liposuction. We carry out this surgery under local anesthesia with the SlimLipo and the SmartLipo technologies. Patients are back to normal light activity within a couple of days.

BodyTite is the latest advance in skin-tightening technology available to patients at the Whole Beauty® Institute. Short of surgery that removes loose skin, this is the most powerful option to improve skin tone. This minimally-invasive procedure is carried out under local anesthesia.

Tummy tuck surgery is often an excellent route for eliminating stubborn bulges that detract from the aesthetic form of the abdomen. The surgery restores the tone and position of the abdominal muscles and removes excess skin and fat to produce a slimmer profile and toned stomach.

Sun-Proofing the Skin

Before considering surgery, it’s important for you to factor in a treatment regimen for your skin. We have effective treatments to diminish damage to the skin of the breast and tummy that may have occurred if you spent years in the sun without adequate protection. The quality of the rejuvenated skin will contribute to the beautiful effect from breast or abdominal contour surgery.

One of the most important products to use is sunscreen, particularly that with an SPF 30 or greater. Sunscreen will block UVA/UVB rays and keep the skin from developing many of the common signs of aging.

Fine lines, wrinkles and age spots are often the result of excessive sun exposure over time. To maintain the quality of your skin, it’s essential to apply sunscreen generously on a daily basis and to reapply if you are active outdoors. Sunscreen should be part of your year round program of skin protection, since winter sun can be just as damaging as summer sun.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. John Q. Cook

A consult with Dr. Cook before summer will help you narrow down the right treatment for you. For more information, call 312-751-2112 and schedule a consultation.